한국에너지기술연구원 vol. 2010-81
CCS기술 로드맵
출처 :‘스마트그리드 산업의 동향과 산업화 방안' - 산은경제연구소 (2010.1.4)
스마트그리드는 현대화된 전력기술과 정보통신기술의 융·복합화를 통하여 구현된 차세대 전력시스템 및 관리체계를 의미
Carbon capture and storage (CCS)는 저비용 이산화탄소 배출 감축 포트폴리오에 있어서 중요한 수단으로, IEA는 2050년까지 2005년 수준으로 이산화탄소 배출을 감축하는 경우, CCS가 고려되지 않는 경우, 총 비용이 70%가량 증가할 것으로 분석함. 
본 로드맵은 이산화탄소 배출 감축을 위하여 2020년까지 100개, 2050년까지 3,000개의 CCS관련 프로젝트가 추진되는 야심찬 CCS 성장전망에 기반함.
CCS는 청정석탄을 위한 대안 뿐만 아니라, 바이오매스나 천연가스를 이용한 발전분야, 연료전환이나 가스처리 분야, 그리고 철강, 시멘트, 화학, 제지 산업과 같은 이산화탄소 다배출 산업분야에도 반드시 적용되어야 함.
CO2 포집 기술은 현재 상용화되어 있는 기술이지만, 추가적인 비용저감과 상업용 규모에서의 충분한 실증연구가 필요함.
CO2 저장공간에 대한 전세계적인 협력연구가 시급히 요구됨. 저장소로서는 석유 가스층도 저비용의 대안이 될 수 있으나, 장기적으로는 대염수층을 활용하는 것이 가장 현실적인 대안임.
대규모 CCS 프로젝트 추진 및 계획 현황
대규모(over 1 MtCO2/year) CCS 프로젝트가 전세계적으로 100개 이상 계획, 5개 이상 추진중임.
대규모 CCS 프로젝트 추진 및 계획 현황
대규모(over 1 MtCO2/year) CCS 프로젝트가 전세계적으로 100개 이상 계획, 5개 이상 추진중임.
대규모 CCS 프로젝트 추진 및 계획 현황
대규모(over 1 MtCO2/year) CCS 프로젝트가 전세계적으로 100개 이상 계획, 5개 이상 추진중임.
대규모 CCS 프로젝트 추진 및 계획 현황
대규모(over 1 MtCO2/year) CCS 프로젝트가 전세계적으로 100개 이상 계획, 5개 이상 추진중임.
대규모 CCS 프로젝트 추진 및 계획 현황
2010년부터 2030년사이 OECD국가들과 Non-OECD 국가 사이의 협력연구노력이 중요
대규모 CCS 프로젝트 추진 및 계획 현황
대규모(over 1 MtCO2/year) CCS 프로젝트가 전세계적으로 100개 이상 계획, 5개 이상 추진중임.
자료 : GTM Research
대규모 CCS 프로젝트 추진 및 계획 현황
대규모(over 1 MtCO2/year) CCS 프로젝트가 전세계적으로 100개 이상 계획, 5개 이상 추진중임.
CO₂ capture Technology status in 2010 Near-term RDD&D
needs 2010-2020
Long-term goals
2020-2030 and beyond
Avallability : No Commercial systems applicable for power plants and most industrial applications available today. Retrofit of CCS technologies unproven.

Efflcacy : Industrial facilities will require new sources of heat and power for CCS applications. Collection systems for disparate sources on, for example, petroleum refineries and LNG production trains. Complex integration and cost issues.

Costs : Capital cost of plant prohibitive for new developments. Efficiency penalty increases cost of production.

Efflcacy : Reduce energy penalty through process design and heat optimisation. Increase operating temperatures and pressures in all boiler and turbine combinations.

By 2015 : Prove technologies at large power plant scale. Identify most effective options for industrial applications:

By 2015 : Prove technologies at large power plant scale. Identify most effective options for industrial applications:
Identify optimised design to maximise heat and power use in cement kilns and blast furnaces.
Prove centralised heat and power systems with CCS for fuel transformation facilities.
Identify appropriat CCS options for biofuel refineries.

Costs : Reduce capital costs by 10% to 12%.

Efflcacy :
By 2025 :
Commercially available
systems with > 85%
capture rate available for all
fuel types.
Commercially available
All capture systems, all coals,
all firing configurations
45%+, LHV, including CO₂
capture after 2030.

By 2030 : Commercial pulverized fuel ultra supercritical(USC)boilers operating>700/720˚C and>35 megapascals(MPa).

Costs : Reduce capital costs by an additonal 10%.

Avallability : Several coal IGCC plants in operation around the world. Several demo projects under development. No integrated system with warranty available form vendors.

Technical challenges :
Scale and integration for large IGCC plants. Unproven for high availability baseload power generation.

Costs : High capital and operating costs. Lack of warranty for large plants with CCS.

Avallability : Integrated IGCC CCS plants with high availability and high-efficiency turbines for H₂ combustion.


By 2015 :
Reduce steam requirements for shift conversion. Reduce energy penalty to 7%.

By 2020 :
Prove hydrogen combustion with high-efficiency CCGTs.

Avallability :
By 2025 :
Demonstrate biomass IGCC with physical solvents.

Efficacy : Reduce energy penalty to ~6%
Emergence of commercial systems with gas separation membranes to replace shift converter.
Demonstrate novel methods including pressure swing adsorption, electrical swing adsorption and possibly cryogenics.

Costs : Reduce capital costs to be competitive with conventional PF power generation.

Availability : Trials of small- scale plants in progress in the power sector (<30MW) under development. 250 MW plants proven in blast furnaces.

Technical challenges : High capital and operating costs. Lack of warranty.

Rotary kiln for oxy-fuel for cement. Commercial USC combustion operating 30Mpa and temperatures of 600˚C/620˚C by 2025.
Avallability : Existing technologies with hundreds of plants in operation around the world in gas processing and chemicals industry.

Larely unproven for large-scale flue gas mixtures. No warranties from vendors for large-scale combustion application.

Technical challenges :
Scale and integration of complete systems for combustion gases.
Combustion gas stream compositon and solvent.

Costs :
By2020 :
Reduce capital and operating costs by 10% to 15%. Provide warranty.

Avallability : Large-scale plants commercially available for new build and retrofit applications. Warranties offered on proven technologies by 2017.

PF-USC plants at ~25 Mpa and 600/620˚C are commercially available.

Efflcacy :
By 2015 :
Prove at commercial scale (>40 MMscm or c.4.0 MtCO₂/yr in the case of a coal-fired plant).
Prove sustainable solvent usage rates(e.g., hindered amines). Manage corrosion issues.
Develop solvents with lower reactivation temperatures to reduce heat requirements for regeneration. Reduce energy penalty to < 8%.
Demonstrate integrated systems with flue gas pre- treatments and availability >85%.

Costs :
By 2020 :
Reduce capital costs by 10% to 15% for large-scale systems.
Reduce operating costs by 2% to 3%.

Avallability : Widespread availability of commercial plant(new and retrofit) with warranties by 2025 for all coal types and CCGTs gas plants.

CCS plabts with high- efficiency PF-USC boilers operating PF-USC boilers operating at ~35 MPa and 700/720˚C are commercially available.

Efflcacy :
By 2030 :

Prove innovative capture options - chemical looping tested for coal and gas.

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